Friday, August 20, 1993


My first visit to Cairo, Egypt. It's a developing country but very historical. The Eygptians were extremely friendly. We stayed at the Pyramid hotel, not the best hotel in the world, but it was close to the pyramids! The Pyramids were magnificent! It's amazing to think that it was built by slaves manually. We visited the pyramids but had to go through a narrow passage, not ideal for anyone who is claustrophobic. It was somewhat disappointing when we finally arrived in the tomb and it was a very small room, it makes one wonder that such a huge construction for a tiny little room, hmmm......

We also visited the Sphinx, Obelisks, and enjoyed the evening celebration at the tomb of Tutankhamun. We also went on a cruise on the Nile downstream from Cairo to Luxor.

The visit to Eygpt was an historical journey of human civilisation and development.

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