Saturday, August 04, 2007

..a swiss wedding.....

(an irish cornish swiss wedding actually..)

Literally popped to Geneva in Switzerland over a weekend in August for my friend's wedding (former nickname Heidi :-) ), my 1st time in Switzerland ever! I fell in love with Geneva straight away, especially the old town situated on a hill, a very attractive part of the city, with narrow, cobbled lanes and streets, cafes, shops and galleries, and the Cathedrale St Pierre in the middle.

La Fetes de Geneve was on during the weekend, with quite a few rides and entertainment along the bank of Lake Geneve. The wedding ceremony took place on bateau Ville de Geneve which cruised on the lake from the Jardin Anglais quayside. It was a lovely summer's day and the most beautiful wedding. It was great catching up with friends too. The reception was held at the Parc des Bastions at Place Neuve - the most impressive restaurant/cafe in the park, exquisitely decorated for the event. Loads of tears and laughter during the speeches, and lots and lots of partying into the wee hours of the morning (some stayed out all night and didn't get any sleep, in fact, they got back to the hotel while I was having my breakfast!). The next day was spent lying in the sun near la plage geneve recovering from the night before....

I would definitely visit Geneva again and could easily live there (even though a tad expensive), I have been warned though (as I also perceived) it's full of banks and the Palais des Nations (UN)!

(stayed: hotel de Geneve on Place Isaac Mercier - v basic)

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