Friday, November 18, 2005

J'aime a Paris

Paris the beautiful romantic capital of France, is one city that is worth visiting. People say (or should I say my parents and their friends say) - "...see Paris and die...." with a smile on your face.....

I've been to Paris many times, but this is a short brief (or email) to a friend planning to visit:

Near the Place de l'opera, you can do loads of shopping and a bit of culture (by visiting the Opera). In this area, you will find the famous Galleries Lafayette and Printemps and some other shops. There are also restaurants and cafes here. You can stay at the Intercontinental (Grand Hotel) - with a very nice restaurant and cafe facing the opera, or Hotel Scribe. Both hotels are a bit pricey but very beautiful and are situated on Rue Scribe.

The Champs Elysees is where most tourists visit. It's a long wide stretch with loads of restuarants, cafes, shops and cinemas. On one end of it, you'll find the Arc de Triomphe and on the other end, you'll find Place de la Concorde and the Lourve musuem (where you can see the Original Mona Lisa), there is also theTuilleries Garden. The Tour Eiffel is also in walking distance from the Champs Elysees. Make sure you go on a cruise on La seine (river), try the Bateaux Mouche cruise boats. There are many hotels in the Champs Elysees area (you can try one of the Best Westerns - basic, central & affordable)


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