Monday, June 05, 2006

Back to Life, Back to Reality.......

Hi Everyone,

After Indanapolis it was onto NJ, then london then Paris and finally Lagos - the end of my 6 weeks travel across North America, it has been one of the most interesting and fascinating experiences in my life so far (i'll give you the details when I see you). I have also met many wonderful people along the way (you know who you are). Please find below the highlights, low points and bizarre findings of my travel (i'll send a condensed photo album at a later date ):

water fountains everywhere (very sad I know)
restrooms/loos everywhere (i need the loo every 5 secs)
friendly North Americans
use of credit cards everywhere
skydiving in Hawaii
driving to San Antonio and Vegas
japanese tourists
American time zones
airport shuttles
number of patriotic americans

Low points:
number of homeless people on the streets
number of ignorant Americans
percentage of missing baggages
too much yummy genetically modified food everywhere (literally in your face)
number of obese people
too many car adverts on tv
adverts are every 5 mins on tv
v loud nosey North Americans
highway patrols
American time zones
lipton tea (no decent teas in America)
adding taxes and tips to everything
one needs a car to get around
the size of america
Bizarre Findings:
why do Americans turn their headlights on during the day on motorways/freeways?
why can one turn right at the trafiic lights while it's red and pedestrians are crossing?

I would like to thank God and also all of you for taking this journey with me....

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