Thursday, July 20, 2006


Hi Everyone, greetings from Montreal! (Vancouver actually) but anyway for those of you who don't already know it, I'm travelling around North America (Canada and America). My first destination was NY, where my suitcase went missing (someone else picked it up apparently, a technical term called 'Bag Switch'), I am yet to receive it, so i had to buy new clothes - bummer!

Second destination, Montreal. The 2nd largest french city outside of France - right??!??. It wasn't what I expected, it was very quiet and there wasn't much to see or do. I did love vieux montreal and vieux port and that's about it.

Other things I did and saw were: places des arts, the basilique Notre Dame, museum of contemporary art, mont royal, cruise on le bateaux mouche, marche bonsecours and a bit more but I can't remember it all, will write again soon

For those who want to contact me, you can reach me on +6046842151 rm 622


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