Saturday, June 23, 2007

Truly Asia part deux.....

Selamat Datang to Penang
2nd work trip to Penang (also stayed at the hotel Equatorial), didn’t do much except for work, work and more work! Visited the Queensbay mall again and did loads of shopping, this is a great mall with all the well known stores and local boutiques; this mall is apparently geared or was created just for tourists like me! There are other malls in the area that are much cheaper I’ve been told.

The customer service here is still splendid! Tried a new restaurant in Georgetown called ‘Thirty Two’ – this has scrumptious food, and the décor is pretty impressive, parts of the restaurant looks like a wedding reception hall, and the outside looks like a mini version of the E& O hotel. There was another karaoke session at the Farquarhdt bar in the E&O hotel (they must be fed up with seeing us surely….)

I also visited my sister’s friend in Nipong in the Bayan Lepas district, it was great to see her and her daughter!

Kuala Lumpur
Had to stop in KL to see the famous twin towers (petronas towers)!! KL is the capital of Malaysia and it is very developed just like any city in the western world (I was very very impressed). Especially KLCC where one will find the twin towers designed by the well-renowned architect called Cesar Pelli. They are truly remarkable by day or night! They just look amazing! I didn’t get a chance to go up to the sky deck (you have to queue from 7am in the morning – no chance for me of course – beauty sleep….). There is also a shopping mall on the ground floor of the twin towers, and inside is also the Malaysian Opera house.

KLCC is the main entertainment district; there are many bars and restaurants here such as The Hard Rock Café and Beach Club café.

p.s. One thing I did forget to mention about Malaysia - a downside actually – it’s the horrendous state of their loos!!

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