Monday, April 14, 2008

Around Nigeria in 5 days!

Quick business trip around Nigeria!

My first time in this part of the country, I really didn't know what to expect. I arrived at Enugu airport - a very run down and badly maintained airport with some unrealistc vision and mission statements in the airport - long way off. Anyway, I had to catch a random taxi from the airport (very dangerous I've since been told) to travel to Onitsha in Anambra state on the Enugu/Onitsha expressway (bad state) which took about 1.5hrs. This trip really felt like an adventure indeed it was. There was really nothing to see on the way to and fro ontisha, just lush greenery, and Onithsa itself was very disappointing, a market town which is overly crowded and dirty.

My next stop was Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. I really love Abuja and I've been here several times, and could quite easily live here. It's beautiful, clean, organised, remarkably different from Lagos!

Port Harcourt
This was my first time in PH, and I have say I was extremely disappointed! This is the Niger delta where the nation's oil is produced! I was expecting a far more developed city then Lagos or at least on par, but it was even worse. It was sad to see that none of the money generated in that area has been used in the region, there was absolutley no infrastructure or developments. There is also still an issue with the kidnapping of expat oil workers and even local Nigerians by the militants for huge ransoms. I stayed at the Novotel hotel (not the original hotel I was booked into but I shan't go into that..), and the security there was amazing. They had gigantic fences, with 2 massive gates and barbed wire all around the property. I soon realised when I got inside that the whole hotel was full of expats properly foreign oil workers! why would one risk their life?? They must be paying them lots and lots of money in my conlcusion......

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