Monday, January 03, 2011

Whispering Palms

A day trip to Whispering Palms in Badagry, Lagos which was my second attempt. I was stuck in traffic for hours on my first attempt and just gave up and turned back. My second attempt however was very successful (even though we got lost several times but the road leading there was awful).

I was very impressed with Whispering Palms. It's a beautiful resort that lies on the Lagoon and typifies the beauty of the area-cool, Atlantic breeze, sillica sands, palm trees and chirping birds. It has rooms, a swimming pool, tennis court, a mini zoo, bars, restaurants, volleyball court, a mini museum, a basketball, pedal boats and other activities and facilities.

Highlight of the trip was the amazing mosaic in the resort. Low point was the horrendous road leading to the resort :-(

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